Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines / 順益台灣原住民博物館

The Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines was established in 1994 as a specialist museum founded on the collection and display of artifacts of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. It is dedicated to promoting mutual understanding between different ethnic groups, through careful research, preservation and explanation of the essence of Aboriginal cultures. Achievement of these aims of mutual respect and appreciation will help to create a harmonious and gentle society.

Shung Ye Museum’s main displays introduce the natural environment of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, their daily utensils, clothing and personal decoration, ritual objects and religious life. Films shown in the auditorium provide an understanding of the present conditions of Aboriginal life. The museum also has a special exhibition room where related exhibitions are held at regular intervals to broaden visitor’s field of concern, and to present the many faces of humankind’s culture. 

The Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines’ ideal is bring concerned people of all ethnicities together to devote themselves to these aims.
