An infatuation with pets has become part of a generational identity, with millennials fuelling a spending boom on four-legged friends and Instagram awash with fluffy celebrities. This Friday Late, take part in a therapy pig session and experience performances for pets. Explore an animal-dating app and question the evolution of digital pets. See dancers explore animal domestication and uncover stories of pets within the V&A collections.
Alongside other events, two Taiwanese performers and artists will be taking part in the event:
Dirty PawS
The Raphael Cartoons, Room 48a, 19.30, 20.30
Dirty PawS is a solo dance piece by Yu-Hsien Wu which explores the interconnected movements between animals and human beings. The piece focuses on the shapes and movements of an imagined species and questions the relationship between animal and human, wild and domesticated. Choreographed and performed by Yu-Hsien Wu, with sound by Khaya Mshengoristo Maseko, costume design by Anna Baumgart, dance collaboration from Kuan-Yu Chen and photography by Leon Poulton.
Pet’s Pettings
Fashion, Room 40
Are pets entitled to their own romantic lives? Does the concept of sexuality and sexual desire apply equally to pets as it does to humans? Taiwanese artist Kuang-Yi Ku, together with an engineer, an architect and a filmmaker, present a dating app for pets and imagine and how pet dating might impact how humans and pets cohabit. Supported by Taipei Representative Office in the UK.